BG Aerospace has recently seen an increased amount of scrutiny with trace issues on rotating group components for Pratt & Whitney PT6 and PW100 engine models. Many regulating authorities are requiring trace back to birth on rotating group components or at minimum an 8130 / Form One on the component when it was installed and what serial number it came from prior to the install into the engine.
A friendly reminder to our customers building engines, and also to operators overhauling their own assets today or who have overhauled in the last 2-3 years. At the time of repair or OH the client is generally provided with and an 8130 / Form One which details the the event and workscope performed. Along with the form one there should have the scope of the repair and the life limited component sheet. If all the disks are cycle since new and same as the engine total cycles, this is considered trace to birth on that corresponding part. If any of the components were changed out with zero-time disks, this is also considered as having trace to birth, something that in the end is considered valuable and will help increase the value of the asset. However, if in the case, the facility was able to put into the engine a part time disk, you should be asking for a copy of the 8130 / Form one that states the Total Cycles Since New (TCSN) and from what serial number engine it was removed. Having an engine logbook copy of the removal entry from that particular engine serial number with TCSN matching the TCSN on the component gives you traceability to birth. The shops are not required to keep any records after 3 years so if you are in time and have a part life disk with out an 8130 in your records, BG strongly suggests putting in a request to have a copy. If you are in overhaul or repair now, demand it. There is nothing wrong with a part life disk and its great to reduce high cost overhauls. Its also nice to have good marketability of your engine down the road. Just a suggestion from BG Aerospace!! If you have questions, click on the button below to contact us. We always happy to help operators do the best they can with quality and costs.