Trends and Foreign Object Damage reporting. It is paramount to have a good understanding of your insurance policy with regard to Foreign Object Damage (FOD). Frequently many operators go in for repairs and/or overhaul and later find out that FOD wear and tear is not collectible. Even a big hit rendering your blade or rotor is not going to be covered without a single documented event. For this reason (and many others) it is extremely important to get a good base line performance run, and then perform regular runs for trending purposes. If the trend shifts, immediately start looking at the compressor, and log the shift. If there is some FOD report it! It can be serviceable and continue to run, however; the insurance company should be made aware. If some scrappage occurs due to multiple hits that are detected at the next repair, and they are a direct result of that event, operators can save quite a bit of money. It’s a fight worth having with the insurance company. The event and log entry of it is the important rule to follow.
The PT6 engine is a work horse, so even small shifts can indicate FOD that is serviceable on wing but later scrap due to cord width.
In the case of trends and Foreign Object Damage reporting, it is highly recommended to log all shifts, investigate and report.
How can everyone involved in aircraft maintenance operations contribute to FOD prevention?
To effectively contribute to FOD prevention, everyone involved in aircraft operations, including pilots and maintenance crews, should try to adhere to the following measures:
1. Familiarize themselves with FOD: Understanding what FOD (Foreign Object Debris) is and its potential risks is crucial. This knowledge can help individuals recognize and address potential sources of debris more effectively.
2. Receive training on FOD-prevention best practices: It is essential for all personnel to be provided with proper training that covers the standard operating procedures for FOD prevention. This training should emphasize the importance of maintaining a clean work environment and being vigilant for foreign objects on airfields.
3. Maintain clean work areas: Maintenance personnel should be diligent in removing tools, materials, and any debris from work areas once a task is completed. Keeping the areas clean and free of loose objects can significantly reduce the risk of FOD incidents.
4. Regularly inspect airfield areas: Everyone should actively participate in regular airfield inspections to identify and remove potential hazards. This includes conducting pre-flight inspections to ensure that the area where the aircraft will operate is free of stones, sand, metal particles, wires, or any other objects that could pose a threat to the aircraft or its engine.
5. Report and address potential FOD hazards: If anyone encounters foreign objects on the airfield or within the vicinity of aircraft, it is vital to promptly report these hazards to the appropriate personnel. Taking immediate action to remove or mitigate potential FOD risks can prevent costly damage or accidents.
By following these guidelines, everyone involved in aircraft operations can contribute to FOD prevention and enhance the overall safety and efficiency of air operations.
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