BG Aerospace continues to help operators all over the globe with money saving tips and tricks to keep the cost low, but the value high!
In keeping with our series of tips and tricks, today’s focus is on preventative maintenance.
Through our Engine Management program, BG Aerospace focuses on operations before, during, and even after overhaul. Preventative maintenance is a major focus and can sometimes be downplayed in the current busy market. We pride ourselves in helping connect operators with the support they need by leveraging our many years of industry related knowledge.
- BG reminds operators to watch the FOD in their engine cowls as well as the ground.
- That turbine washes are as important as compressor washes.
- Fuel nozzles are done regularly and that if you have a GPU 15 ft away from the aircraft, we cannot recommend it highly enough… use it!
- Hung starts and high start temps destroy CT Blades.
BG Aerospace